We are the medical care team for your pets and livestock. WE are your partners in herd health and reproduction. WE are the government employees monitoring for diseases which can harm people, pets and our economy. WE are your local experts in animal care, health and disease.
The members of the Northern San Joaquin Veterinary Medical Association (NSJVMA) are involved in all aspects of the veterinary medical community in Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties – and we have been here since 1942.
Over 100 strong, our membership includes all fields of veterinary medicine. Our members treat the family dog with an ear ache and a child’s cat with the sniffles. Our members can talk to you about how to keep the lizard your child brought home healthy – and about the diseases that can be shared between people and their pets. Our members help the dairy trying to reduce mastitis, teach at local colleges, and conduct clinical trials to develop new medicines.
NSJVMA is also active in the community. We help our members meet their licensing requirements by providing local, convenient and interesting continuing education. We support local spay and neuter programs financially and with doctors. We have worked with Animal Shelters and non-profit groups with vaccine clinics and low cost spay & neuter programs. We are helping local community projects, like dog parks, and with local educational programs.
Our members are here to help.